My Accident 08th May 2004

My Accident 08th May 2004


Essex Bloodrunners

Piaggio MP3

Piaggio MP3

Blood runner 

I passed my motorbike test in 2000 and enjoyed going out for a ride but it was not until 2010 that I volunteered to deliver blood in Essex and often took part in Relays to different counties - the Essex Blood Runners service most of the major hospitals in the county and have recently started to provide the Essex Air Ambulance with blood as required

My brother-in-law, who I was going to help in 2004 - found an advert for this bike and I found it ideal as by pushing the switch it locked the suspension and therefore I could move the bike around without any pressure being put on my knees which of course was ideal

I continued doing this until I had an unscheduled accident in 2014 - slipped on some diesel - and broke my left ankle - another trip to Addenbrookes’s necessitating another operation to manipulate the bone back in place

They don’t call me “Lucky Noble” for nothing!!

I have not ridden since 

I did continue using my car but it was not the same and so retired in 2015

David Noble
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