Thank you
List of people who helped me
Listed in chronological order:-
The Good Samaritan who had to contact my partner
All the Members of the public who stopped
The Essex Police
The Essex Fire & Rescue - Newport and Saffron Walden retained crews and the Rescue Tender from Harlow
The 2 Doctors who stopped and offered assistance
The Essex Ambulance Service (Now East of England Ambulance Service)
All the staff at Addenbrookes Hospital who helped me
My good friend Doug who visited me every day
My sister and her family for allowing me to convalesce in their house
My good friend Mick who took me to the many Out-patients appointments
My family & friends
And of course my partner Sheila and her son Robert
There were numerous people that helped me, not only on the 8th May 2004, but have continued to support me in the following years.
If, inadvertently, I have missed anybody then please accept my heartfelt apologies